
Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.2

Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.2

A Learning Plan topic describes learning needs and goals, instructional design models, task analyses, learning taxonomies, and other information necessary to the lesson planning process.


Note: These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS. Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype Content model
learningPlan ( (title) then (titlealts) (optional) then (shortdesc or abstract) (optional) then (prolog) (optional) then (learningPlanbody) then (related-links) (optional) then (no-topic-nesting) (any number) )

Contained by

This element is not contained by any other elements.


- topic/topic learningBase/learningBase learningPlan/learningPlan


<learningPlan id="learningPlanTest"> 
    <title>Learning Plan</title> 
    <shortdesc>It's always good to provide a plan. 
                <p>Describe the client here.
                <p>Describe the plan title here.
                <p>Provide information about the course identification here. 
                <p>Provide the modification date and related information here. 
                <p>Provide the delivery date information. 
                <p>Provide information about the plan subject.
                <p>Provide information about the plan description.
                <p>Provide information about the plan prerequisites.
                <lcGeneralDescription>Provide general description information.</lcGeneralDescription>
                <lcGoals>Provide information about organization goals related to this instruction.</lcGoals> 
                <lcNeeds>Describe organizational needs related to this instruction.</lcNeeds>
                <lcValues>Describe organizational values related to this instruction.</lcValues> 
                <lcOrgConstraints>Describe organizational constraints related to this instruction.</lcOrgConstraints>
                <lcGeneralDescription>Provide general description information.</lcGeneralDescription>
                <lcEdLevel>Describe the education level for the learning audience.</lcEdLevel>
                <lcAge>Provide age information.</lcAge>
                <lcBackground>Provide background information.</lcBackground>
                <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> 
                <lcKnowledge>Describe the knowledge requirements.</lcKnowledge>
                <lcMotivation>Describe the reasons why the learners want and/or need to take the instruction.</lcMotivation>
                <lcSpecChars>Provide information about any special characteristics of the instruction.</lcSpecChars>
                <lcWorkEnvDescription>Describe the work environment.</lcWorkEnvDescription>
                <lcPlanResources>Provide information about resource planning.</lcPlanResources>
                <lcProcesses>Provide information about important processes.</lcProcesses>
                <lcTaskItem>Describe the specific task item.</lcTaskItem>
                <lcKnowledge>Detail the knowledge needed for this task.</lcKnowledge>
                <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> 
                <lcAttitude>Provide information about important attitudes.</lcAttitude>
                <title>another lcTask (as many more as you would like...)</title> 
                <lcTaskItem>Describe the specific task item.</lcTaskItem>
                <lcKnowledge>Detail the knowledge needed for this task.</lcKnowledge>
                <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> 
                <lcAttitude>Provide information about important attitudes.</lcAttitude>
                <title>an lcGapItem</title> 
                <lcPlanObjective>Describe the related plan objective for this gap.</lcPlanObjective> 
                <lcJtaItem>Provide job task analysis information about the gap.</lcJtaItem> 
                <lcGapItemDelta>Describe the gap item.</lcGapItemDelta>
                <title>and another GapItem for you to consider</title> 
                <lcPlanObjective>Describe the related plan objective for this gap.</lcPlanObjective> 
                <lcJtaItem>Provide job task analysis information about the gap.</lcJtaItem> 
                <lcGapItemDelta>Describe the gap item.</lcGapItemDelta>
                <lcLearnStrat>Describe the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.</lcLearnStrat> 
                <lcPlanObjective>Describe the objective to be addressed by a gap analysis or intervention.</lcPlanObjective> 
                <lcAssessment>Describe assessment plans.</lcAssessment>
                <lcDelivery>Describe the delivery method for this learning content.</lcDelivery>
                <title>another lcInterventionItem (and more if you want 'em)</title> 
                <lcLearnStrat>Describe the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.</lcLearnStrat> 
                <lcPlanObjective>Describe the objective to be addressed by a gap analysis or intervention.</lcPlanObjective> 
                <lcAssessment>Describe assessment plans.</lcAssessment>
                <lcDelivery>Describe the delivery method for this learning content.</lcDelivery>
                <p>Describe characteristics of the learning management system to be used. 
                <p>Describe any handouts. 
                <p>Provide information about the classroom, if used. 
                <p>Describe the on-the-job training. 
                <p>Describe any constraints.
                <p>Provide information about any related web standards. 
                <p>Detail the tools and plugins used for time-sequenced display at runtime. 
                <p>Detail the viewers used for time-sequenced display at runtime. 
                <p>Provide a list of related resources and information about them, such as related articles or samples on the web.
                <p>Describe any file size limitation in the download environment. 
                <p>Provide an estimate of the download time.
                <p>Describe security concerns or restrictions.


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
id This ID enables topics to be referenced uniquely by topicrefs in DITA maps. ID Yes
conref-atts attribute group (conref, conrefend, conaction, conkeyref) A set of related attributes; includes all of the attributes described in id-atts attribute group except for the id attribute.      
xmlns:ditaarch Declares the default DITA namespace.   "http://dita.​oasis-open.​org/​architecture/​2005/"  
DITAArchVersion Designates the version of the architecture that is in use. The default value will increase with each release of DITA. CDATA "1.2" No
domains Indicates the specialized domains that are included in the DTD or Schema. This value will differ depending on what domains are included in the current DTD or Schema. CDATA Varies based on the DTD or Schema; a sample value is "(topic ui-d) (topic hi-d) (topic pr-d) (topic sw-d) (topic ut-d) (topic indexing-d)" No
select-atts attribute group (props, base, platform, product, audience, otherprops, importance, rev, status) A set of related attributes, described in select-atts attribute group      
localization-atts attribute group (translate, xml:lang, dir) A set of related attributes, described in localization-atts attribute group.      
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group      
class, outputclass Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes      
domains Indicates the specialized domains that are included in the DTD or Schema. This value will differ depending on what domains are included in the current DTD or Schema. CDATA Varies based on the DTD or Schema; a sample value is "(topic ui-d) (topic hi-d) (topic pr-d) (topic sw-d) (topic ut-d) (topic indexing-d)" No