A Learning Plan topic describes learning needs and goals, instructional design models, task analyses, learning taxonomies, and other information necessary to the lesson planning process.
Note: These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS.
Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype | Content model |
learningPlan | ( (title) then (titlealts) (optional) then (shortdesc or abstract) (optional) then (prolog) (optional) then (learningPlanbody) then (related-links) (optional) then (no-topic-nesting) (any number) ) |
Contained by
This element is not contained by any other elements.
- topic/topic learningBase/learningBase learningPlan/learningPlan
<learningPlan id="learningPlanTest"> <title>Learning Plan</title> <shortdesc>It's always good to provide a plan. </shortdesc> <learningPlanbody> <lcProject> <title>lcProject</title> <lcClient> <title>lcClient</title> <p>Describe the client here. </p> </lcClient> <lcPlanTitle> <title>lcPlanTitle</title> <p>Describe the plan title here. </p> </lcPlanTitle> <lcCIN> <title>lcCIN</title> <p>Provide information about the course identification here. </p> </lcCIN> <lcModDate> <title>lcModDate</title> <p>Provide the modification date and related information here. </p> </lcModDate> <lcDelivDate> <title>lcDelivDate</title> <p>Provide the delivery date information. </p> </lcDelivDate> <lcPlanSubject> <title>lcPlanSubject</title> <p>Provide information about the plan subject. </p> </lcPlanSubject> <lcPlanDescrip> <title>lcPlanDescrip</title> <p>Provide information about the plan description. </p> </lcPlanDescrip> <lcPlanPrereqs> <title>lcPlanPrereqs</title> <p>Provide information about the plan prerequisites. </p> </lcPlanPrereqs> </lcProject> <lcNeedsAnalysis> <title>lcNeedsAnalysis</title> <lcOrganizational> <title>lcOrganizational</title> <lcGeneralDescription>Provide general description information.</lcGeneralDescription> <lcGoals>Provide information about organization goals related to this instruction.</lcGoals> <lcNeeds>Describe organizational needs related to this instruction.</lcNeeds> <lcValues>Describe organizational values related to this instruction.</lcValues> <lcOrgConstraints>Describe organizational constraints related to this instruction.</lcOrgConstraints> </lcOrganizational> <lcPlanAudience> <title>lcPlanAudience</title> <lcGeneralDescription>Provide general description information.</lcGeneralDescription> <lcEdLevel>Describe the education level for the learning audience.</lcEdLevel> <lcAge>Provide age information.</lcAge> <lcBackground>Provide background information.</lcBackground> <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> <lcKnowledge>Describe the knowledge requirements.</lcKnowledge> <lcMotivation>Describe the reasons why the learners want and/or need to take the instruction.</lcMotivation> <lcSpecChars>Provide information about any special characteristics of the instruction.</lcSpecChars> </lcPlanAudience> <lcWorkEnv> <title>lcWorkEnv</title> <lcWorkEnvDescription>Describe the work environment.</lcWorkEnvDescription> <lcPlanResources>Provide information about resource planning.</lcPlanResources> <lcProcesses>Provide information about important processes.</lcProcesses> </lcWorkEnv> <lcTask> <title>lcTask</title> <lcTaskItem>Describe the specific task item.</lcTaskItem> <lcKnowledge>Detail the knowledge needed for this task.</lcKnowledge> <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> <lcAttitude>Provide information about important attitudes.</lcAttitude> </lcTask> <lcTask> <title>another lcTask (as many more as you would like...)</title> <lcTaskItem>Describe the specific task item.</lcTaskItem> <lcKnowledge>Detail the knowledge needed for this task.</lcKnowledge> <lcSkills>Describe the skills needed.</lcSkills> <lcAttitude>Provide information about important attitudes.</lcAttitude> </lcTask> </lcNeedsAnalysis> <lcGapAnalysis> <title>lcGapAnalysis</title> <lcGapItem> <title>an lcGapItem</title> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the related plan objective for this gap.</lcPlanObjective> <lcJtaItem>Provide job task analysis information about the gap.</lcJtaItem> <lcGapItemDelta>Describe the gap item.</lcGapItemDelta> </lcGapItem> <lcGapItem> <title>and another GapItem for you to consider</title> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the related plan objective for this gap.</lcPlanObjective> <lcJtaItem>Provide job task analysis information about the gap.</lcJtaItem> <lcGapItemDelta>Describe the gap item.</lcGapItemDelta> </lcGapItem> </lcGapAnalysis> <lcIntervention> <title>lcIntervention</title> <lcInterventionItem> <title>lcInterventionItem</title> <lcLearnStrat>Describe the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.</lcLearnStrat> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the objective to be addressed by a gap analysis or intervention.</lcPlanObjective> <lcAssessment>Describe assessment plans.</lcAssessment> <lcDelivery>Describe the delivery method for this learning content.</lcDelivery> </lcInterventionItem> <lcInterventionItem> <title>another lcInterventionItem (and more if you want 'em)</title> <lcLearnStrat>Describe the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.</lcLearnStrat> <lcPlanObjective>Describe the objective to be addressed by a gap analysis or intervention.</lcPlanObjective> <lcAssessment>Describe assessment plans.</lcAssessment> <lcDelivery>Describe the delivery method for this learning content.</lcDelivery> </lcInterventionItem> </lcIntervention> <lcTechnical> <title>lcTechnical</title> <lcLMS> <title>lcLMS</title> <p>Describe characteristics of the learning management system to be used. </p> </lcLMS> <lcHandouts> <title>lcHandouts</title> <p>Describe any handouts. </p> </lcHandouts> <lcClassroom> <title>lcClassroom</title> <p>Provide information about the classroom, if used. </p> </lcClassroom> <lcOJT> <title>lcOJT</title> <p>Describe the on-the-job training. </p> </lcOJT> <lcConstraints> <title>lcConstraints</title> <p>Describe any constraints. </p> </lcConstraints> <lcW3C> <title>lcW3C</title> <p>Provide information about any related web standards. </p> </lcW3C> <lcPlayers> <title>lcPlayers</title> <p>Detail the tools and plugins used for time-sequenced display at runtime. </p> </lcPlayers> <lcViewers> <title>lcViewers</title> <p>Detail the viewers used for time-sequenced display at runtime. </p> </lcViewers> <lcResolution> <title>lcResolution</title> <p>Provide a list of related resources and information about them, such as related articles or samples on the web. </p> </lcResolution> <lcFileSizeLimitations> <title>lcFileSizeLimitations</title> <p>Describe any file size limitation in the download environment. </p> </lcFileSizeLimitations> <lcDownloadTime> <title>lcDownloadTime</title> <p>Provide an estimate of the download time. </p> </lcDownloadTime> <lcSecurity> <title>lcSecurity</title> <p>Describe security concerns or restrictions. </p> </lcSecurity> </lcTechnical> </learningPlanbody> </learningPlan>
Name | Description | Data Type | Default Value | Required? |
id | This ID enables topics to be referenced uniquely by topicrefs in DITA maps. | ID | Yes | |
conref-atts attribute group (conref, conrefend, conaction, conkeyref) | A set of related attributes; includes all of the attributes described in id-atts attribute group except for the id attribute. | |||
xmlns:ditaarch | Declares the default DITA namespace. | "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/" | ||
DITAArchVersion | Designates the version of the architecture that is in use. The default value will increase with each release of DITA. | CDATA | "1.2" | No |
domains | Indicates the specialized domains that are included in the DTD or Schema. This value will differ depending on what domains are included in the current DTD or Schema. | CDATA | Varies based on the DTD or Schema; a sample value is "(topic ui-d) (topic hi-d) (topic pr-d) (topic sw-d) (topic ut-d) (topic indexing-d)" | No |
select-atts attribute group (props, base, platform, product, audience, otherprops, importance, rev, status) | A set of related attributes, described in select-atts attribute group | |||
localization-atts attribute group (translate, xml:lang, dir) | A set of related attributes, described in localization-atts attribute group. | |||
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) | A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group | |||
class, outputclass | Common attributes described in Other common DITA attributes | |||
domains | Indicates the specialized domains that are included in the DTD or Schema. This value will differ depending on what domains are included in the current DTD or Schema. | CDATA | Varies based on the DTD or Schema; a sample value is "(topic ui-d) (topic hi-d) (topic pr-d) (topic sw-d) (topic ut-d) (topic indexing-d)" | No |