Conditional processing attributes can be used to classify content using either individual values or using groups.
Example: Simple product values
In the following example, the first configuration option applies only to the "extendedprod" product, while the second option applies to both "extendedprod" and to "baseprod". The entire p element containing the list applies to an audience of "administrator".
<p audience="administrator">Set the configuration options: <ul> <li product="extendedprod">Set foo to bar</li> <li product="basicprod extendedprod">Set your blink rate</li> <li>Do some other stuff</li> <li>Do a special thing for Linux</li> </ul> </p>
Example: Grouped values on an attribute
The following example indicates that a step applies to one application server and two databases. Specifically, this step only applies when it is taken on the server "mySERVER"; likewise, it only applies when used with the databases "ABC" or "dbOtherName".
<steps> <step><cmd>Common step</cmd></step> <step product="appserver(mySERVER) database(ABC dbOtherName)"> <cmd>Do something special for databases ABC or OtherName when installing on mySERVER</cmd> </step> <!-- additional steps --> </steps>