The title element contains a heading or label for the main parts of a topic: the topic as a whole, sections, examples, and labelled content such as figures and tables. The element also can be used to provide a title for a map or a relationship table; when used in a relationship table, the title typically is used as a authoring convenience and is not rendered for display to an end user.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/title
<topic id="topicid"> <title rev="121212">Monitoring the patient following the procedure <draft-comment>deleted the word "during" and added the word "following"</draft-comment> </title> <body> <!-- ... --> <fig id="fig-01"> <title rev="121212">Patient-monitoring procedure flow following procedures <draft-comment>deleted the word "during" and added the word "following"</draft-comment></title> <!-- ... --> </fig> <!-- ... --> </body> </topic>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (without the Metadata attribute group), base and rev from the Metadata attribute group, and outputclass.