E elements

Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.3 Part 1: Base Edition

Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.3 Part 1: Base Edition
OASIS DITA Technical Committee

Content models for elements beginning with "e".

Content models for elementdef

None of the document type shells distributed with the base package use this element.

Content models for entry

In this document type entry contains
Base map, Base topic (text data | dl | div | fig | imagemap | image | lines | lq | note | hazardstatement | object | ol | p | pre | sl | ul | boolean | cite | keyword | ph | b | i | line-through | overline | sup | sub | tt | u | q | term | text | tm | xref | state | data | sort-as | data-about | foreign | unknown | draft-comment | fn | indextermref | indexterm | required-cleanup)*
In this document type entry is contained by
Base map, Base topic row

Content models for enumerationdef

None of the document type shells distributed with the base package use this element.

Content models for example

In this document type example contains
Base topic (text data | dl | div | fig | imagemap | image | lines | lq | note | hazardstatement | object | ol | p | pre | simpletable | sl | table | ul | boolean | cite | keyword | ph | b | i | line-through | overline | sup | sub | tt | u | q | term | text | tm | xref | state | data | sort-as | data-about | foreign | unknown | title | draft-comment | fn | indextermref | indexterm | required-cleanup)*
In this document type example is contained by
Base topic body

Content models for exportanchors

In this document type exportanchors contains
Base map (anchorid | anchorkey)*
In this document type exportanchors is contained by
Base map metadata, topicmeta