DITA uses certain naming conventions and file extension for topics, maps, modules, and document-type implementation files.
Files that contain DITA content should use the following naming conventions:
- DITA topics
- *.dita (recommended)
- *.xml
- DITA maps
- *.ditamap
- Conditional processing profiles
- profilename.ditaval
Files that define DITA document-type components must use the following naming conventions:
- Document-type shell files
- typename.dtd
- typename.xsd
Where typename is the name of the intended root topic or map type defined by the document type shell or, as needed, a name that clearly identifies both the intended root map or topic type and distinguishes the document type shell from other shells for the same root type.non-normative: For example, the OASIS-provided document-type shells for technical content include two different document-type shells for the task topic type: task.dtd and generalTask.dtd, where task.dtd includes the strict task body constraint module and generalTask.dtd does not. - DTD structural module files
- typename.mod
- typename.ent
- DTD domain module files
- typenameDomain.mod
- typenameDomain.ent
- DTD constraint module files
- constraintnameConstraint.mod
- Schema structural module files
- typenameMod.xsd
- typenameGrp.xsd
- Schema domain module files
- typenameDomain.xsd
- Schema constraint module files
- constraintnameConstraintMod.xsd
- constraintnameConstraintIntMod.xsd