The link element defines a relationship to another topic or non-DITA resource. When displayed, links are typically sorted based on their attributes, which define the type or role of the link's target in relation to the current topic.
The optional container elements for link (linkpool
and linklist) allow authors to define groups with common attributes
or to preserve the authored sequence of links on output. Links placed in a
might be rearranged or removed for display purposes (combined
with other local or map-based links); links in a linklist should be
displayed in the order they are defined. Refer to those elements for additional
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/link
<related-links> <linkpool type="concept"> <link href="czez.dita#czez" role="next"></link> <link href="czunder.dita"></link> <link format="html" href="czover.htm#sqljsupp" role="parent"> <linktext>Overview of the CZ</linktext> </link> <link format="html" href="czesqlj.htm#sqljemb"> <linktext>Working with CZESQLJ</linktext> <desc>When you work with CZESQLJ, you need to know...</desc> </link> </linkpool> </related-links>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, Link relationship attribute group, outputclass, keyref, The role and otherrole attributes, and query (DEPRECATED).